Pte Ltd vs Sole Proprietorship

Popularity of Pte Ltd is always ahead of sole proprietor . Why ? TAX RATE ON COMPANY VS PERSONAL Company will be tax at a flat rate of 17% of its chargeable income. Click here for basic guide in Corporate tax Whereas all profit from sole proprietor will be tax on personal level. The higher

How to decide number of company share

How many shares should a newly registered company issue? Is common question for all business owner . Number of share represent total fund you willing to invest into Company . With effect from 2006, Companies Act had abolished par value of the share , which means that value of shares is varied and is decided

What if Director not able to sign report

SCENARIO Company A have 2 director but 1 of the director lose contact . How to apply report to be sign by 1 director ? Companies Act Requirement Company with 2 appointed director, report must be signed by BOTH director unless is single director company So , how to comply ? Application for relief from

What is Important Clause inside Company Constitution

Company constitution or formerly known as Company Memorandum and Article of Association (MA) is the compulsory legal documents for all Singapore registered company . Company Constitution form binding agreement between Company and shareholder and among the shareholder themselves. You may draft your own copy or used ACRA model constitution . The following is the mandatory

What is SSIC code

All Singapore registered company is required to stated at least 1 major principal activities with ACRA. Which means this will be key how Company generate their income . What is SSIC code ? Singapore Standard Industrial Classification ( SSIC) code refer to type of principal activities for the company . And you are required to

Disqualification of Director

WHAT IS DISQUALIFICATION Refer to person who is prohibited from acting as director and being involvement in the company management regardless directly or indirectly HOW WILL THE DISQUALIFIED DIRECTOR BEEN NOTIFIED ACRA will send notification letter with displayed of disqualified period ( starting date and ending date ) Disqualification by bankruptcy will notified by Official

What is par value of shares ?

WHAT IS PAR VALUE ? Par value also knows as Nominal Value APPLICABLE IN SINGAPORE ? NO, it been abolished since 2006 WHAT HAPPEN TO SINGAPORE REGISTERED COMPANY ? You are only required to declare 3 important figure as follow : Example : Number of issued share shown the ownership level in the Company Amount

What you should know after company registration

After company registration, you should have the following information about the Company, especially if you are appointed company director . UNIQUE ENTITY NUMBER (UEN) Each Company will be issued with UEN upon successfully incorporation. Public is allowed to choose their own UEN with certain amount of fees . Related Article : What is UEN WHY
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