Non resident Director who received director fees

Who is consider as Non resident director ?

Non resident director refer to someone who do NOT have legal visa to stay long in Singapore . or who stay in Singapore LESS THAN 183 days

Is Employment Pass holder consider as Non resident director ?

No, because they have valid working visa in Singapore .

After received director fees, what need to be declare ?

WIthholding tax

What is withholding tax ?

Click here

How to declare ?

A person must withhold and pay the withheld tax to IRAS when certain types of payment (e.g. interest, royalty, services etc.) are made to a non-resident.

Before declaration of withholding tax, you need to confirm :

  • Approval date of the director fees
  • Director fees amount
  • Tax resident of the Company

Only Singapore tax resident company is required to declare withholding tax

What is withholding tax rate ?

22 % ( will increase to 24% with effect from Jan 2023)

calculator for withholding tax

What if local director received director fees ?

They will be tax based on local resident tax rate.

List of Tax Obligation

Tax Obligation for Non resident director

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