Shareholder vs member

The terms shareholders and members are commonly used as synonyms.

By received copy of share certificate DOES NOT means that you are officially knowns as member of the Company.

Definition of Shareholder :

Shareholder refer to someone who own company share .

However shareholder does not means is the member of the company .

Definition of member :

Only person name who enter into register member only can knowns as Member of the company .

Example :

Due to personal reason, Mr A Mr A owned company’s share via Mr B ‘name.

Public will think that Mr B is the owner of the share without further checking of Company ‘s reigster member book.

Only A person whose name is entered in the register of members of a company is recognized a member of the company

.👉 person may be a shareholder by beneficially owning the shares which are held in the name of his or her nominee, and the nominee may be a member of the company because the nominee’s name is entered into the company’s register of members.

How to check who is the Member of the Company

All Pte Ltd company is required to maintain and keep updated copy of E register member online.

Relevant authorised personal can log into to check update information about company member .

Reason why used others name

  • to enjoy complete anonymity from the public
  • to conceal from competitors
  • to keep one’s personal details confidential

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