What is Unique Entity Number (UEN)

A Unique Entity Number (UEN) is a unique combination of numbers with alphabet automatically assigned to all Singapore registered business entity .

ACRA will email you UEN once successfully incorporated.

UEN detail :

What is different between company registration number and UEN ?

Previously different goverment agent assigned different number to company example :

ACRA issued company registration number

IRAS issued Tax reference number

GST issued GST number

So, all company will need to keep all the 3 different number to comply with the authorities .

With effect from 1 January 2009, all the following entities that are registered in Singapore :

  • business
  • local companies
  • limited liability partnership (LLP)
  • societies
  • representative office

will issued with Unique Entity Number (UEN)

For business that was incorporate before 1 January 2009, their company registration number will be used as UEN to minimize adaption issued and cost .

Example :

Biztree can use 201100834E to log in to ACRA , IRAS, CPF, MOM etc

Can i choose my owned favour number ?

Yes, with the introduction of Special UEN (SUN) .

You may click the procedure here

How to check UEN number for other company ?

Please click here

Is the UEN compulsory to all business vehicle ?

No, because there is exemption from register with ACRA if you used your own NRIC name as company name .

Note: If you choose to add descriptive words before or after your name (e.g. Flowers by Tan Mei Ling), you must register the business.

UEN vs Corppass ?

UEN is refer to the Company identity number .

You will need to have Corppass + UEN to effect transaction with authorities

Before implementation of Corppass, you will need to have Singpass + UEN to effect transaction with authorities .

When Should the UEN Number be Used?

Every business vehicle must ensure that its invoices and official correspondence bear Unique Entity Number (UEN)

Beside that, UEN is needed when you engage transaction with goverment authority such as ACRA, IRAS, CPF board, Singapore custom etc

On a company operating side, you will need to have UEN number for opening bank account, signing contract and any other form of agreement

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